Double | Vigil

Double | Vigil

(Some pages omitted per authors' request)





Belle Gironda taught writing at the American University in Cairo for 3.5 years and witnessed and attended the 2011 Egyptian uprising that deposed the 30 year authoritarian government of Hosni Mubarak. She is now living, teaching and writing in the mountains of Western NC. She follows the current situation in Egypt with horror and concern. Her current project, in progress, is a multi-genre work about politics, change and rivers, particularly the Nile River and the New River.

Lori Anderson Moseman is the author of All Steel (Flim Forum Press), Temporary Bunk (Swank Books), Persona (Swank Books), and Cultivating Excess (The Eighth Mountain Press). Anderson Moseman founded the press, Stockport Flats, in the wake of Federal Disaster #1649, a flood along the Upper Delaware River. Recently, her poetry has appeared in: 100WordStorydislocatedivideEpochPEEP/SHOW: A Taxonomic Exercise in Textual and Visual SerialityPortland ReviewStolen A Journal of the Built & Natural EnvironmentsTrickhouse. orgTonopah ReviewThe,and Water~Stone.


from Love Letters to My Husband


Five Poems