Sève Favre

Self Intervariactif Portrait Fragile

A visual artist, originally from the French part of Switzerland, Sève Favre was introduced to the arts from a young age but decided to follow academic study first, pursuing an art-history degree at university. She supplemented her literature degree with a secondary school teaching. She continued her education by taking several seminars and workshops in the visual arts, notably at the Ceruleum School of Art in Lausanne.

In 2005, she created her first modular artwork and during several years, she maintained both careers simultaneously, teaching and producing commissioned work. Today she completely devotes to her art pratice and promotion. She has exhibited in Switzerland and abroad. In 2020, Sève Favre was nominated by Arte Laguna Prize in installation and sculpture section.

Passionate about the concept of integration, she concentrates on transcending the classical boundary between the artwork and the viewer. The main feature of her art is interactivity. The key words that support her concept is being in interaction (be together), variation (be different), activity (be active). Her name for this experience is « intervariactivity »

www.sevefavre.com | IG: @sevefavre


Deborah Corr


Alexey Adonin