Travis Stephens

even it up

In an interview, talking about his song
“She Chose Me,” Randy Newman said
that the song was for his wife. “Both
my wives were better looking than me.
I mean, I had a few days back in the 80s but…”

By circumstance two days now of Heart
on the drive home radio, and Ann Wilson’s
vocalization fills my Toyota. Hadn’t really
noticed her high keening that ride a guitar riff.
New appreciation &
only 30 years behind the times.

A few days back in the 80s when I was lean & clean,
blue-black beard
these same eyes
lit by curiosity & longing.
Didn’t listen to Heart then.
Didn’t buy Microsoft or go into computers.
But if someone looked at me
sometimes I looked right back.

Memory is a soft-focus home movie
best left in a box. This car gets blasted
by passing trucks and it needs a wash.
I’ll keep the radio on,
the cruise control set
just past the speed limit
& my mind switched off.

Travis Stephens is a tugboat captain who resides with his family in California. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire alumni, his book of poetry skeeter bit & still drunk will be published by Finishing Line Press in 2022. Visit him at:


Melinda González


Jeff Schiff